Hello everyone,
Below is the notice that has been circulating for the Trans Men Who Have Sex with Men (TMSM) Sexual Health Study being conducted by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network. If you can circulate this notice to raise awareness about this community-based research project, that would be greatly appreciated.
The Queer Ontario Steering Committee
The Trans Men Who Have Sex With Men (TMSM) Sexual Health Study is a community-based research project about our sexual health.
We want to improve the sexual health of trans guys by learning about how we make decisions about sex and safety when we have sex with guys.
If you have sex with men and you’re a trans man, FTM, transmasculine person, or transitioned man, are 18 years of age or older, and live in Ontario, we want to hear from you! We’re looking to represent the broad diversity of the trans guy community in this research, and are particularly interested in hearing from guys of colour, Aboriginal/two-spirit trans guys, guys living with disabilities (including psychiatric survivors/consumers), guys of different ages, transition statuses, gender presentations, and geographic regions.
You can participate
in person in the GTA (interviews held at the OHTN offices located at 1300 Yonge Street), or
by phone/Skype elsewhere in Ontario.
The interview takes about 1-1.5 hours, and you will receive a $40 honorarium. Childcare is available upon request. Participation is entirely confidential.
Caleb at:
1 (877) 743-6486 ext. 2216 (toll free)
(416) 642-6486 ext. 2216 (local)
or email at tmsm@ohtn.on.ca
The call-out flyers can be found here:
Categories: Assistance, Sharing, Survey Tags: bi, community-based, gay, men who have sex with men, msm, queer, research, sexual health, study, tmsm, transmen
Hello Everyone
Please find below the Re:searching for LGBTQ Health Team’s last call for responses to its Risk & Resilience Survey, which is set to close on November 19, 2012.
We encourage all bisexual people to fill out the survey to ensure that the study results are as representative and accurate as they can possibly be.
Also, don’t forget to pass it on!
Martin Otarola
Queer Ontario Secretary
Last Call for the Risk & Resilience Study of Bisexual Mental Health
The data collection period for the Risk & Resilience Study of Bisexual Mental Health is closing on November 19, 2012.
- If you have been invited to take the survey but haven’t done so yet…
- If you have started the survey but haven’t completed it yet…
- If you have tickets but haven’t passed them on yet…
…now is the time!
This is our chance to get data about our community, and our health. Do the survey, pass it on.
For more information check out the Risk & Resilience video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEJFKjDlOeo, and the Re:searching for LGBTQ Health Team’s website:
Please share this notice with your friends, networks, organizations and communities.
Categories: Assistance, Sharing, Survey Tags: bi, bisexual, bisexuality, mental health, resilience, risk, risk and resilience, study, survey