
Archive for the ‘Survey’ Category

Queer Ontario Technology Survey

July 14th, 2013 Comments off

Hello Everyone,

Are you an active Queer Ontario member? Or, would you like to participate more in our meetings and online discussions?

Queer Ontario has been using the Ustream audiostream and chatroom technology to make our meetings accessible to individuals unable to attend in-person in Toronto. This technology is not working well for us, so we are looking for a better alternative. In particular, we’re looking for a technology that allows every participant to contribute directly to the discussion, not rely on another person to relay what they say.

Before we choose a new technology, we need to make sure it meets everyone’s needs. Please fill out this short survey:

It would be lovely if you can respond by Wednesday July 17, since we will be discussing technology options at Thursday’s general meeting. If you respond by July 24, your needs will be considered in our final analysis.

If you have any difficulty filling out the survey, please contact to provide your input by chat or telephone.

Thank you,
Alana Boltwood
Member at Large on behalf of the Steering Committee


Categories: Assistance, Organization, Survey Tags:

2013 Pressing Issues Survey

June 7th, 2013 Comments off

We are pleased to announce the 2013 release of the Queer Ontario Pressing Issues Survey, which we will be using to get a sense of the pressing issues affecting LGBTQ* people across the province; and to compare the 2013 issues with the issues that were provided in 2012.
This will serve a number of key research functions, not the least of which is the consideration of the input of the over 200 individuals who have joined our network since the fall of last year; and the identification of ‘continuing’ issues vs. issues that were included because of their ‘hot topic’ status.
If you have any questions whatsoever, do not hesitate to contact us at We will be more than happy to answer them!
Looking forward to serving you better,

The Queer Ontario Steering Committee
Facebook: Queer Ontario
Twitter: @queerontario
About the Survey
The survey itself consists of five questions, which should take approximately 3-10 minutes to answer. Online and Word (.doc) versions, in both English and French, can be found here:

Queer Ontario recognizes the need for accessible information, including having documents available in languages other than English. We have reproduced the survey in French, upon request. Queer Ontario will make every effort to provide translations of our documents, upon request, and when possible, based on the availability of volunteers to do the translation and ensure that it is accurate.
* Note:  For the purposes of this survey, ‘LGBTQ’ will refer to individuals who are marginalized because of their sex, gender, and/or sexuality. This includes, but is not limited to: individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual, transgender, genderqueer, agender, two-spirited, cross-dressing, intersexed, neutrois, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, kinky, and/or nudist. This survey is also open to allies who can assist us in our work.
We know that forms of oppression based on sex, gender, and/or sexuality cannot be seen in isolation from other forms of oppression, so we encourage their joint articulation as well.

The Trans Men Who Have Sex With Men (TMSM) Sexual Health Study

January 8th, 2013 Comments off

Hello everyone,
Below is the notice that has been circulating for the Trans Men Who Have Sex with Men (TMSM) Sexual Health Study being conducted by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network. If you can circulate this notice to raise awareness about this community-based research project, that would be greatly appreciated.
The Queer Ontario Steering Committee

The Trans Men Who Have Sex With Men (TMSM) Sexual Health Study is a community-based research project about our sexual health.
We want to improve the sexual health of trans guys by learning about how we make decisions about sex and safety when we have sex with guys.
If you have sex with men and you’re a trans man, FTM, transmasculine person, or transitioned man, are 18 years of age or older, and live in Ontario
, we want to hear from you! We’re looking to represent the broad diversity of the trans guy community in this research, and are particularly interested in hearing from guys of colour, Aboriginal/two-spirit trans guys, guys living with disabilities (including psychiatric survivors/consumers), guys of different ages, transition statuses, gender presentations, and geographic regions.

You can participate in person in the GTA (interviews held at the OHTN offices located at 1300 Yonge Street), or by phone/Skype elsewhere in Ontario.
The interview takes about 1-1.5 hours, and you will receive a $40 honorarium. Childcare is available upon request.  Participation is entirely confidential.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, or TO PARTICIPATE, please contact Caleb at:
1 (877) 743-6486 ext. 2216 (toll free)
(416) 642-6486 ext. 2216
or email at

The call-out flyers can be found here: