
Posts Tagged ‘meet and greet’

Queer Ontario Meet-and-Greet in Ottawa

July 11th, 2012 Comments off

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce that we will be in Ottawa on Saturday, July 14, 2012. Alana Boltwood, our Research & Education Committee Chair, will be at the PTS offices (251 Bank Street, Suite 301) seeking to meet many of you to discuss some of the issues that are important to you as Ottawa residents and city-goers.
This is part of our ongoing summer tour, where we are meeting with folks outside of Toronto to get a sense of the various LGBTQ* needs and experiences that exist across Ontario. Past visits have included Hamilton, Peterborough, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, and Cambridge-Kitchener-Waterloo.
To recap, then:
— We will be at PTS from 1:00 to 3:00pm
— This weekend, on Saturday, July 14, 2012.
— Location: 251 Bank Street, Suite 301, Ottawa.
Special thanks go out to PTS for graciously hosting us.
(Facebook event page:
We hope to see many of you there!
Alana & the rest of the Queer Ontario Steering Committee
If you cannot make it to this meet-and-greet, please consider filling out and/or circulating the Queer Ontario Pressing Issues Survey:
 Also consider submitting material to the Queer Ontario Think Tank:

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