Home > Organization > Call For Volunteers: Think Tank Editorial Board

Call For Volunteers: Think Tank Editorial Board

June 14th, 2010

The Queer Ontario Education Committee is developing the organization’s Think Tank — a space on the QO website where one will be able to find critical writing and analysis about queer issues and its liberationist principles.

We are currently looking for people interested in taking part in these formative discussions to help us determine:

  1. how to structure and run the Think Tank (looking at what kind of group would run it and what their decision-making process will be, especially when it comes to selecting, reviewing, and editing items for publication); and
  2. how to structure the Think Tank section of the website (looking at what kinds of items we would want to publish and how we would want to present this to the public)

If you are interested in being part of this, please contact me. Do note that this opportunity is open not just to academics, but to anyone with relevant skills anywhere in Ontario.

Thanks in advance for your enthusiasm and we hope to hear from you soon!

alana.boltwood – at – gmail.com

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