
Posts Tagged ‘access’

Sharing: The LGBTTQI Home Care Access Survey

October 26th, 2012 Comments off

Please find information below relating to a survey that will be conducted regarding home care access and LGBTTQI persons across Ontario. If interested, please read below and contact as directed. Thanks!
In sol,
Casey Oraa
Queer Ontario Vice-Chair

The LGBTTQI Home Care Access Project is seeking 100 LGBTTQI people across Ontario to complete a web-based survey.
A significant number of LGBTTQI people are receiving health care in their home provided by personal support workers, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, etc. However, we don’t know much about their experiences, such as, do they feel comfortable enough to disclose their sexual orientation and/or their gender identity to their home care service providers, and if so, has disclosure impacted the quality of services received?.

Andrea Daley and Judy MacDonnell at York University in Toronto have partnered with Rainbow Health Ontario and the Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre to explore LGBTTQI people’s experiences of using home care services across Ontario. Our research team also includes academic partners from McMaster, McGill, and California State Universities. In addition, we are working with two community-based advisory committees.
Through an anonymous web-based survey we have begun exploring the experiences of LGBTTQI people who are 18 years or older, live in Ontario, and have used or are using home care services, through formal and/or informal means of support.

Interested participants can complete the survey online by typing in the following link:
Participation is confidential and anonymous.
Participants are offered a $20 honorarium.
We also offer paper copies of the survey, with pre-paid postage. To request paper copies of the survey, please contact us: or 647-236-1100
We are happy to assist in the completion of the survey. Please contact us to set up a time that works for you: or 647-236-1100
For more information, please go to:
Or you can contact Andrea Daley at or 416-736-2100 x22847