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Support the Rescinded Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum

October 17th, 2012

Queer Ontario recently supported Ophea’s report (released below), and its call to action to have the updated 2010 version of the Ontario health and physical curriculum implemented once again.
This new curriculum would have included progressive LGBT-inclusive amendments to the sex ed curriculum, which was part of the ‘controversy’ that led to the Liberal government’s rescinding of the amendments soon after they were made public. As such, Ontario students are still being taught the outdated 1998 curriculum. An overview of the controversy can be read here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2010/04/22/sex-ed.html
Indeed, we encourage you to read the report and sign Ophea’s petition, here: http://www.ophea.net/timetomove
In sol,
Casey Oraa
Queer Ontario
Original message from Chris Markham, Executive Director & CEO of Ophea (originally the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association)
Hello everyone,
As you are aware, Ophea has been working on advocacy related to finalization, release and implementation of the health and physical education (H&PE) curriculum for a few years now. Recently, our efforts have focused on the development of a report highlighting the state of child and youth health in Ontario, and the potential for H&PE to have a positive impact on the alarming trends.
Today, that report was officially released and will be accompanied by a grassroots advocacy campaign encouraging members of the general public to read the report, sign an online petition in support of release and implementation of the curriculum, and send letters advocating for the release to their MPP and local newspaper. All of this can be found online at www.ophea.net/timetomove or www.ophea.net/fr/passezalaction. We encourage you to share this information with your networks, both professional and personal.
I recognize that there are many competing priorities in the health and education sectors, but we firmly believe that H&PE has the potential to be the most significant health promotion intervention ever, impacting 2.1 million children and youth and their families. It is time for an updated H&PE curriculum.  If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at chris@ophea.org or 416-426-7126.
Additionally, an exclusive article was published today (on page 10 in the front section) in the Toronto Star, titled ‘Ontario slammed for outdated sex ed and mental health curriculum’. You can find the article here (http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1272563–ontario-slammed-for-outdated-sex-ed-and-mental-health-curriculum), as well as on the Toronto Star homepage.
Thank you,
Chris Markham
Executive Director & CEO
e: chris@ophea.org
p: 416-426-7126
f: 416-426-7373


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