Queer Ontario Thanks You For Our Success at Stonewall TO
We participated in the Stonewall TO march with our political messages along with other politically minded groups and individuals sending a powerful message to the City of Toronto, Pride Toronto and any funders of official Pride events, that the essence of pride is not based on funding from corporations or government bodies or the political will (or lack thereof) of particular politicians, but rather by our own grassroots desire for equity and liberation. It was both exhilarating and reaffirming to take over the streets from Queen’s Park to the 519 and assert our presence on our terms. Thanks are extended to the QO volunteers who prepared the signs for this march.
Once at the 519 QO in collaboration with Blackness YES! hosted a highly successful Community Kitchen that fed between 300-400 people. This really contributed to a strong sense of community to be able to feed our own with nutritious food on a pay-as-you-can basis. Thanks are extended to all volunteers who contributed to this initiative, from pre-planning, shopping, food prep, set up, serving, take down to clean up. Special thanks are extended to lead volunteers Alana and Davina of QO and Craig and Marcus of Blackness YES! This turned out to be an enormous success only made possible by the contribution of numerous committed volunteers.
Happy Pride Everyone!
Nick Mulé