
Posts Tagged ‘Think Tank’

This Week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank

August 7th, 2012 Comments off

This week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank, we have anna anthropy’s 2012 video game, “Dys4ia”:
In the words of anna anthropy: “Dys4ia is an autobiographical game about the period in my life when i started hormone replacement therapy. it’s a story about me, and is certainly not meant to represent the experience of every trans person.”
About anna: anna anthropy is a very intense, meaningful kind of gaze that two people can share, but not lightly. she lives in oakland, california with her submissive and their two mischievous cats. she enjoys long walks on bad girls and making videogames. her first book, RISE OF THE VIDEOGAME ZINESTERS, can help you make videogames too, if you’d like to do that.
anna’s blog and portfolio of works can be found over at

Submission Note

If you, yourself, are interested in submitting a work to the Queer Ontario Think Tank, feel free to review our submission guidelines here, or simply email your work and a short description to We will let you know if we need any additional material or information.
All the best,
The Queer Ontario Think Tank Editorial Committee

A Call For Submissions to the Queer Ontario Think Tank

March 19th, 2012 Comments off

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Queer Ontario Think Tank — an online publication space dedicated to the promotion of works that articulate the needs and experiences of LGBTQ* individuals; and/or that challenge the laws, the institutional practices, and the social norms that regulate us.
What We Are Looking For
We are looking for individuals to submit works in any medium that address one or more of the themes above. These can be anything from essays, articles, stories, and poems, to images, video, and music (among other new, traditional, or multimedia formats).
The works need not be aligned with Queer Ontario’s official positions or policies, but they should reflect our anti-oppressive, sex-positive, and/or liberationist principles.
Lastly, given the very real risks associated with outing oneself publicly — especially when it involves a sensitive issue or a less accepting community — we will be open to receiving works that make use of a pseudonym, or that are sent to us anonymously.

The first set of works will be published in July of 2012. Therefore,
the soft deadline for July consideration is Friday, April 20, 2012.
The absolute last day to submit work for July consideration is
Friday, May 25, 2012.
You are free to submit works after the deadline, which will be considered for our next publication cycle in October.
Works will be reviewed and selected by the Think Tank Editorial Committee, which is made up of Queer Ontario volunteers.
For More Information…
(Note that the links below do not make use of the “www.”)
To head over to the Think Tank website,
please visit
For instructions on how to submit work,
please visit
To read the Think Tank’s editorial guidelines,
please visit
For a list of our issues of interest,
please visit
For all other questions or comments,
please email us at
The Queer Ontario Steering Committee
* “LGBTQ” is used here to refer to individuals who are marginalized because of their sex, gender, sexuality, relationships, and/or way of life. This includes, but is not limited to: individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual, transgender, genderqueer, agender, two-spirited, cross-dressing, intersexed, neutrois, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, and/or kinky.
We know that forms of oppression based on sex, gender, sexuality, relationships, and/or way of life cannot be seen in isolation from other forms of oppression, so we encourage their joint articulation as well.
* If you are interested in participating in the Think Tank Editorial Committee, then please email us at with your name, a brief introduction, and the subject line “Think Tank Editorial Committee.”

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Call For Volunteers: Think Tank Editorial Board

June 14th, 2010 Comments off

The Queer Ontario Education Committee is developing the organization’s Think Tank — a space on the QO website where one will be able to find critical writing and analysis about queer issues and its liberationist principles.

We are currently looking for people interested in taking part in these formative discussions to help us determine:

  1. how to structure and run the Think Tank (looking at what kind of group would run it and what their decision-making process will be, especially when it comes to selecting, reviewing, and editing items for publication); and
  2. how to structure the Think Tank section of the website (looking at what kinds of items we would want to publish and how we would want to present this to the public)

If you are interested in being part of this, please contact me. Do note that this opportunity is open not just to academics, but to anyone with relevant skills anywhere in Ontario.

Thanks in advance for your enthusiasm and we hope to hear from you soon!

alana.boltwood – at –