
Archive for the ‘Think Tank’ Category

This Week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank

September 19th, 2012 Comments off

This week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank, we have Erika Moen’s “Queer”, a comic strip articulating Moen’s experiences with biphobia in the LGBT community. The original comic strip can be found on Erika Moen’s website and is also available in French (both links have been provided for you on the Think Tank website). A Spanish version is currently in the works, t00.
The project can be viewed at
Note that it depicts nude bodies and contains biphobic and homophobic language.

This Week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank

August 7th, 2012 Comments off

This week on the Queer Ontario Think Tank, we have anna anthropy’s 2012 video game, “Dys4ia”:
In the words of anna anthropy: “Dys4ia is an autobiographical game about the period in my life when i started hormone replacement therapy. it’s a story about me, and is certainly not meant to represent the experience of every trans person.”
About anna: anna anthropy is a very intense, meaningful kind of gaze that two people can share, but not lightly. she lives in oakland, california with her submissive and their two mischievous cats. she enjoys long walks on bad girls and making videogames. her first book, RISE OF THE VIDEOGAME ZINESTERS, can help you make videogames too, if you’d like to do that.
anna’s blog and portfolio of works can be found over at

Submission Note

If you, yourself, are interested in submitting a work to the Queer Ontario Think Tank, feel free to review our submission guidelines here, or simply email your work and a short description to We will let you know if we need any additional material or information.
All the best,
The Queer Ontario Think Tank Editorial Committee