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Letter Template Requesting a Constitutional Reference of Bill C-36

November 13th, 2014
Would you like to add your voice to those calling for a constitutional reference of C36, even though you’re not a sex worker? Please copy & paste the text below into an email, fill in the blanks, and send it to the Premier of the province you reside in! Thanks to the amazing Naomi Sayers for her contributions to this letter.

Dear Premier ________ (the name of the Premier of the province you reside in):
I am writing to ask you to refer Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, the new anti-prostitution laws which is in response to the Bedford decision, to the ___________ (highest court in that province) to determine if they are constitutional. Please do this before pursuing prosecutions under these laws, or directing police to enforce these laws.
Many experts and sex workers have testified that these laws are dangerous for sex workers, and will recreate the harms that previously existed under the old laws. The current Conservative Government has passed these laws despite the objections of those who will be most affected, including the most marginalized and vulnerable, outdoor sex workers.
I am not a sex worker myself, but I believe that sex workers have the same rights as other Canadian citizens, and I believe in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Specifically, I believe that sex workers have the right to life, liberty and security of person. These laws do not respect the constitutional rights of sex workers, and should not be enforced before the courts have evaluated them.
Please refer these laws immediately to the courts, before more harm comes to the sex workers who will be most affected by these laws.
______________ (your name)
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