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Queer Ontario Submission to the Department of Justice’s Public Consultation re: “Prostitution-Related Offences” in Canada

March 15th, 2014

Below is Queer Ontario’s submission to the Department of Justice (Canada), which has been seeking public input on so-called prostitution-related offences in Canada since February 17, 2014.
This public consultation process was set up after the Supreme Court of Canada ruled unanimously last year to strike down the laws that prohibit individuals from operating brothels, living on the avails of prostitution [sic], and communicating for the purposes of prostitution [sic], on the basis that they were too broad and effectively endangered the health, safety and lives of sex workers. The Supreme Court gave the Government of Canada one year to develop new laws to regulate prostitution-related offences, should it decide to do so –– and it has.
The Department of Justice’s consultation questionnaire closes on March 17, 2014, and can be filled out at: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/curr-cours/proscons-conspros/index.html.
A read-only version of Queer Ontario’s submission has been provided below.  It is followed by a downloadable version.

Downloadable version: Queer Ontario Department of Justice Submission re Sex Work 

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