Home > Event > The PinQ PotluQ PikniQ — Reliving the first gay picnic on Centre Island

The PinQ PotluQ PikniQ — Reliving the first gay picnic on Centre Island

July 30th, 2011

On August 13, Queer Ontario will be hosting the PinQ PotluQ PicniQ at Hanlan’s Point, Toronto Island, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. It’s an all-day event where LGBTQ people across Ontario will be able to get together and party like it’s 1971!*

There will be food, games, and lovers & strangers, so be sure to join us for some serious grassroots fun. (And bring all your friends, too!)

*Also known as the year of the legendary ‘gay picnic’ on Centre Island, arguably the first ‘gay pride’ celebration long before Gay Pride events ever existed.  —   


This is potluck-style gathering, so feel free to bring your own food, plus a contribution or two for the communal food table. We will also have access to the fire pit in case someone wants to make use of it.


Prepare yourselves for the queerest and campiest games this side of Lake Ontario! We will be compiling a list of notoriously ‘queer’ games (plus traditional ones with camped-out names) to keep our spirits up throughout the day. So feel free submit your contribution — with instructions, if it’s new or obscure! — in the comments section below.


While the event is set to officially end at 6:00 pm, you are free to stay longer into the wee hours of the night. A water taxi is available to move people to and from the Island after the ferries have stopped running.

We’ll be right by the beach for those who want a dip in the water. And, best of all, the night promises to host a magnificent full moon.

It’ll be great!


The Queer Ontario Steering Committee

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