Queer Ontario: Open House in an Open House at the 519
519 Open House – “Open House within an Open House”
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
519 Church Street Community Centre – Room 304
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Facebook RSVP.
We will be hosting an “Open House within an Open House” in place of having our regular monthly meeting, during the 519’s Open House to celebrate the completion of their renovations. Also, Queer Ontario was approached by the Rainbow Health Network (RHN) to share the space with us. Thus, during this period of time, we’ll have a welcoming table with literature about ourselves on it and sign up sheets to promote our group and encourage people to join. Given that this will be taking place during our regular monthly meeting time, we hope that many of you would be willing to come out to this event to talk up Queer Ontario and encourage others to get involved.