Notes & Analysis on the Procedural Complaints Expressed at the Pride Toronto Dispute Resolution Hearing on June 27, 2012
June 29th, 2012
For Immediate Release — June 29, 2012
Queer Ontario attended the first hearings of Pride Toronto’s Dispute Resolution Process (“DRP”) on June 27, 2012, to monitor and document a process that we consider to be highly problematic. Heard was the case mounted by B’nai Brith’s Human Rights League (“B’nai Brith”) against the participation of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (“QuAIA”) in the Toronto Pride Parade, where a number of complaints came forward regarding the process. We are providing these complaints here for public awareness.
Our notes and analysis:
QuAIA’s procedural complaints:
The entire document, with QuAIA’s complaints appended, can be downloaded here:
Queer Ontario Dispute Resolution Hearing Notes